Value areas clean up
October 08, 2016 09:10AM
Hi everyone,

I am using the Shadowtrader Value Area script to plot their daily VAH/POC/VAL. This is a script that's pretty old already. Can any coder out there 'clean' this script up since we've had so many TOS updates? Would really appreciate this.

#Hint: Value Area + Auto-Pivot Values + Opening Range Breakout
#Justin Williams,,Twitter=@JwillSF,Chat=WaterFrontTrader

#08/31/11: Total redesign, added automated Pivot values, proximity plotting, new features.
#09/12/11: Added “ShowLevel4” option due to recent volitility. Will plot S4 & R4.
#12/11/11: Added “AfterHours” option to turn off plot after hours.
#12/21/11: Bug fixes due to TOS upgrades. Removed “AfterHours”, not workin correctly.
#01/25/12: Enter daily inputs as 4 digits and script will interpret.
# -added rounding to make the pivots appear as they do on the show.
#01/26/12: Removed ability to truncate inputs due to it only being accurate 99% of time.
#02/02/12: Small update to make sure "Auto Pivots" menu option functioned properly.
#06/07/12: Added (6)VPOC inputs, should be manually entered/deleted, displays when applicable.
#06/25/12: Removed some code and fixed a few bugs.
#07/09/12: Fixed one small but important bug.
#07/13/12: Added value bubbles, removed proximity plot function.
#08/13/12: Removed a lot of superfluous code plus a few upgrades.
#08/15/12: Fixed a bug that was giving false numbers.
#08/30/12: Fixed a bug that wasn't plotting the NQ profile.
#09/02/12: Reordered inputs and removed "LabelESonly" input.
#12/28/12: Made the plot hide on daily charts and updated code to current standards.
#01/04/13: Fixed a rare bug that hides labels if using tick charts.
#01/28/13: Added ability to hide each individual level.
#02/22/13: Fixed bug that made levels inaccuate on charts that were not 15 minute charts.

# Pivot values will be off the day following market holidays and possibly the day after rollover.
# On these days make "AutoPivots=No" and manually draw pivots. Change back to "AutoPivots=Yes" the day after.

input VAH = 0.00;#Hint VAH: Must be manually entered daily,
input POC = 0.00;#Hint POC: Must be manually entered daily,
input VAL = 0.00;#Hint VAL: Must be manually entered daily,
input Pivot = 0.00;#Hint Pivot: Must be manually entered daily,
input AutoPivots = yes;#Hint AutoPivots: Turns off pivot lines, value area stays on.
input Labels = {default "Proximity","Off","All","ValueAreaOnly"};#Hint Labels: Labels at top of chart.
input ShowPivotPoint = no;#Hint ShowPivotPoint: Hides Pivot Point plot.
input ShowLevel4 = no;#Hint ShowLevel4: Will display S4 and R4 for days with large moves.
input PivotBubbles = yes;#Hint PivotBubbles: Shows bubbles on pivot plot lines.
input ValueBubbles = yes;#Hint ValueBubbles: Shows bubbles on value plot lines.
input PlotStartTime = 0530;#Hint PlotStartTime: Move to earlier time to shift bubbles to the left.
input ShowCloud = yes;#Hint ShowCloud: Shows the value area as a cloud.
input CloudOpenOnly = yes;#Hint CloudOpenOnly: Will only cloud open candles.
input HideAfterHoursLabel = no;#Hint HideAfterHoursLabel: Hides "NoShadowPlotAfterHours" label.
input VpocBubbles = yes;#Hint VpocBubbles: Shows bubbles on VPOC plot lines.
input Vpoc1 = 0.00;#Hint Vpoc1: Manually enter/delete VPOC here, will display when applicable.
input Vpoc2 = 0.00;#Hint Vpoc2: Manually enter/delete VPOC here, will display when applicable.
input Vpoc3 = 0.00;#Hint Vpoc3: Manually enter/delete VPOC here, will display when applicable.
input Vpoc4 = 0.00;#Hint Vpoc4: Manually enter/delete VPOC here, will display when applicable.
input Vpoc5 = 0.00;#Hint Vpoc5: Manually enter/delete VPOC here, will display when applicable.
input Vpoc6 = 0.00;#Hint Vpoc6: Manually enter/delete VPOC here, will display when applicable.
input ShowS1 = yes;#Hint ShowS1: Hide/Show S1.
input ShowS2 = yes;#Hint ShowS2: Hide/Show S2.
input ShowS3 = yes;#Hint ShowS3: Hide/Show S3.
input ShowR1 = yes;#Hint ShowR1: Hide/Show R1.
input ShowR2 = yes;#Hint ShowR2: Hide/Show R2.
input ShowR3 = yes;#Hint ShowR3: Hide/Show R3.
input ShowORB = No;#Hint ShowORB: Displays 2 small, dashed lines at the top/bottom of opening range.
input OrbTime = 30;#Hint OrbTime: Defines the time range in minutes for the ORB.

def Na = Double.Nan;
declare hide_on_daily;

#Value Area Functions
def PPoint = if(Pivot>0,Pivot,Na);
def VArea = Between(close,VAL,VAH);
def VAreaabove = close>VAH;
def VAreabelow = close<VAL;

#Previous Day Functions
def Day = GetDayOfWeek(GetYYYYMMDD());
def CloseTime = SecondsTillTime(1600)>0;
def OpenTime = SecondsFromTime(0930)>=0;
def RegHrs = CloseTime and OpenTime;
def PLow = CompoundValue(1,if(Day==Day[1] and RegHrs and low<PLow[1],low,if(SecondsFromTime(0930)<=0 and RegHrs,low,PLow[1])),low);
def PHigh = CompoundValue(1,if(Day==Day[1] and RegHrs and high>PHigh[1],high,if(SecondsFromTime(0930)<=0 and RegHrs,high,PHigh[1])),high);
def PrevLow = if(Day!=Day[1],PLow[1],PrevLow[1]);
def PrevHigh = if(Day!=Day[1],PHigh[1],PrevHigh[1]);

#Time Functions
def CloseTime2 = SecondsTillTime(1600)>=0;
def OpenTime2 = SecondsFromTime(PlotStartTime)>=0;
def MarketOpen = OpenTime2 and CloseTime2;
def NewDay = IsNaN(close(period=“Day”)[-1]);
def Chart = MarketOpen and NewDay;

#Pivot Functions
def Res1 = (2*PPoint)-PrevLow;
def Supp1 = (2*PPoint)-PrevHigh;
def Res2 = PPoint+(Res1-Supp1);
def Supp2 = PPoint-(Res1-Supp1);
def Res3 = PrevHigh+2*(PPoint-PrevLow);
def Supp3 = PrevLow-2*(PrevHigh-PPoint);
def Res4 = PrevHigh+3*(PPoint-PrevLow);
def Supp4 = PrevLow-3*(PrevHigh-PPoint);

#Rounding Functions
def RI = RoundDown(Res1,0)-((Round(((RoundDown(Res1,0)-Res1)/0.25),0))*0.25);
def SI = RoundDown(Supp1,0)-((Round(((RoundDown(Supp1,0)-Supp1)/0.25),0))*0.25);
def RII = RoundDown(Res2,0)-((Round(((RoundDown(Res2,0)-Res2)/0.25),0))*0.25);
def SII = RoundDown(Supp2,0)-((Round(((RoundDown(Supp2,0)-Supp2)/0.25),0))*0.25);
def RIII = RoundDown(Res3,0)-((Round(((RoundDown(Res3,0)-Res3)/0.25),0))*0.25);
def SIII = RoundDown(Supp3,0)-((Round(((RoundDown(Supp3,0)-Supp3)/0.25),0))*0.25);
def RIV = RoundDown(Res4,0)-((Round(((RoundDown(Res4,0)-Res4)/0.25),0))*0.25);
def SIV = RoundDown(Supp4,0) -((Round(((RoundDown(Supp4,0)-Supp4)/0.25),0))*0.25);
def PivP = RoundDown(PPoint,0)-((Round(((RoundDown(PPoint,0)-PPoint)/0.25),0))*0.25);

plot VH = If(Chart and VAH>0,VAH,Na);
plot PC = If(Chart and POC>0,POC,Na);
plot VL = If(Chart and VAL>0,VAL,Na);
plot R4 = If(Chart and AutoPivots and ShowLevel4 and RIV>0,RIV,Na);
plot R3 = If(Chart and AutoPivots and ShowR3 and RIII>0,RIII,Na);
plot R2 = If(Chart and AutoPivots and ShowR2 and RII>0,RII,Na);
plot R1 = If(Chart and AutoPivots and ShowR1 and RI>0,RI,Na);
plot PP = If(Chart and AutoPivots and ShowPivotPoint and PPoint>0,PivP,Na);
plot S1 = If(Chart and AutoPivots and ShowS1 and SI>0,SI,Na);
plot S2 = If(Chart and AutoPivots and ShowS2 and SII>0,SII,Na);
plot S3 = If(Chart and AutoPivots and ShowS3 and SIII>0,SIII,Na);
plot S4 = If(Chart and AutoPivots and ShowLevel4 and SIV>0,SIV,Na);
plot V1 = If(Chart and Between(Vpoc1,SIV-10,RIV+10),Vpoc1,Na);
plot V2 = If(Chart and Between(Vpoc2,SIV-10,RIV+10),Vpoc2,Na);
plot V3 = If(Chart and Between(Vpoc3,SIV-10,RIV+10),Vpoc3,Na);
plot V4 = If(Chart and Between(Vpoc4,SIV-10,RIV+10),Vpoc4,Na);
plot V5 = If(Chart and Between(Vpoc5,SIV-10,RIV+10),Vpoc5,Na);
plot V6 = If(Chart and Between(Vpoc6,SIV-10,RIV+10),Vpoc6,Na);

#Value Area Cloud
def CloudClose = SecondsTillTime(1615)>0;
def Cloud = OpenTime and CloudClose;
def ChartCloud = Cloud and Chart;
def CloudTest = if(CloudOpenOnly,ChartCloud,Chart);
plot cloudhigh = If(CloudTest and ShowCloud,VAH,Na);
plot cloudlow = If(CloudTest and ShowCloud,VAL,Na);
def AfterHours = OpenTime2 and CloudClose;

#Chart Labels
def Futures = between(close,close("/es"winking smiley-15,close("/es"winking smiley+15) or between(close,close("/nq"winking smiley-15,close("/nq"winking smiley+15);
def Label = Chart and Futures;
def ZeroTest = VAH>0 and VAL>0;
def PNotZero = PPoint>0;
def ChartLabels;
switch (Labels) {
case "Proximity":
ChartLabels = 1;
case "Off":
ChartLabels = 0;
case "All":
ChartLabels = 2;
case "ValueAreaOnly":
ChartLabels = 3;
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 1 and Label and AutoPivots and VArea and ZeroTest,“InsideValue”,Color.WHITE);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 1 and Label and AutoPivots and VAreaabove and ZeroTest,“AboveValue”,Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 1 and Label and AutoPivots and VAreabelow and ZeroTest,“BelowValue”,Color.RED);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 1 and Label and !AutoPivots and VArea and ZeroTest,“InsideValueArea”,Color.WHITE);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 1 and Label and !AutoPivots and VAreaabove and ZeroTest,“AboveValueArea”,Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 1 and Label and !AutoPivots and VAreabelow and ZeroTest,“BelowValueArea”,Color.RED);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 1 and Label and AutoPivots and Between(close,VL,(RI+((RII-RI)/2))),"VH="+AsText(VH),Color.RED);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 1 and Label and AutoPivots and Between(close,VL,VH),"POC="+AsText(PC),Color.YELLOW);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 1 and Label and AutoPivots and Between(close,(SI-((SI-SII)/2)),VH),"VL="+AsText(VL),Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 1 and Label and AutoPivots and (close>VH or (Between(RI,VL,VH) and close>VL)),"R1="+AsText(RI),Color.RED);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 1 and Label and AutoPivots and close>VH,"R2="+AsText(RII),Color.RED);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 1 and Label and AutoPivots and close>(RI+((RII-RI)/2)),"R3="+AsText(RIII),Color.RED);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 1 and Label and AutoPivots and ShowLevel4 and close>(RII+((RIII-RII)/2)),"R4="+AsText(RIV),Color.RED);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 1 and Label and AutoPivots and ShowPivotPoint and close>SI and close<RI,"PP="+AsText(PP),Color.WHITE);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 1 and Label and AutoPivots and (close<VL or (Between(SI,VL,VH) and close<VH)),"S1="+AsText(SI),Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 1 and Label and AutoPivots and close<VL,"S2="+AsText(SII),Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 1 and Label and AutoPivots and close<(SI-((SI-SII)/2)),"S3="+AsText(SIII),Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 1 and Label and AutoPivots and ShowLevel4 and close<(SII-((SII-SIII)/2)),"S4="+AsText(SIV),Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 1 and Label and AutoPivots and Between(close,(V1-5),(V1+5)),"VPOC="+AsText(V1),Color.MAGENTA);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 1 and Label and AutoPivots and Between(close,(V2-5),(V2+5)),"VPOC="+AsText(V2),Color.MAGENTA);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 1 and Label and AutoPivots and Between(close,(V3-5),(V3+5)),"VPOC="+AsText(V3),Color.MAGENTA);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 1 and Label and AutoPivots and Between(close,(V4-5),(V4+5)),"VPOC="+AsText(V4),Color.MAGENTA);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 1 and Label and AutoPivots and Between(close,(V5-5),(V5+5)),"VPOC="+AsText(V5),Color.MAGENTA);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 1 and Label and AutoPivots and Between(close,(V6-5),(V6+5)),"VPOC="+AsText(V6),Color.MAGENTA);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 2 and Label and ZeroTest,"VH="+AsText(VH),Color.RED);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 2 and Label and ZeroTest,"POC="+AsText(PC),Color.YELLOW);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 2 and Label and ZeroTest,"VL="+AsText(VL),Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 2 and Label and AutoPivots and PNotZero,"R1="+AsText(RI),Color.RED);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 2 and Label and AutoPivots and PNotZero,"R2="+AsText(RII),Color.RED);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 2 and Label and AutoPivots and PNotZero,"R3="+AsText(RIII),Color.RED);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 2 and Label and AutoPivots and PNotZero and ShowLevel4,"R4="+AsText(RIV),Color.RED);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 2 and Label and AutoPivots and PNotZero and ShowPivotPoint,"PP="+AsText(PP),Color.WHITE);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 2 and Label and AutoPivots and PNotZero,"S1="+AsText(SI),Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 2 and Label and AutoPivots and PNotZero,"S2="+AsText(SII),Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 2 and Label and AutoPivots and PNotZero,"S3="+AsText(SIII),Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 2 and Label and AutoPivots and PNotZero and ShowLevel4,"S4="+AsText(SIV),Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 2 and Label and AutoPivots and PNotZero,"VPOC="+AsText(V1),Color.MAGENTA);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 2 and Label and AutoPivots and PNotZero,"VPOC="+AsText(V2),Color.MAGENTA);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 2 and Label and AutoPivots and PNotZero,"VPOC="+AsText(V3),Color.MAGENTA);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 2 and Label and AutoPivots and PNotZero,"VPOC="+AsText(V4),Color.MAGENTA);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 2 and Label and AutoPivots and PNotZero,"VPOC="+AsText(V5),Color.MAGENTA);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 2 and Label and AutoPivots and PNotZero,"VPOC="+AsText(V6),Color.MAGENTA);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 3 and Label and VArea and ZeroTest,“InsideValueArea”,Color.WHITE);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 3 and Label and VAreaabove and ZeroTest,“AboveValueArea”,Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(ChartLabels == 3 and Label and VAreabelow and ZeroTest,"BelowValueArea”,Color.RED);
AddLabel(!AfterHours and !Chart and !HideAfterHoursLabel,"NoShadowPlotAfterHours",Color.ORANGE);

#Chart Bubbles
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(VH[1]) and ValueBubbles,VH,VH,Color.RED,no);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(PC[1]) and ValueBubbles,PC,PC,Color.YELLOW,no);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(VL[1]) and ValueBubbles,VL,VL,Color.GREEN,no);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(S1[1]) and PivotBubbles,S1,“S1”,Color.WHITE,no);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(S2[1]) and PivotBubbles,S2,“S2”,Color.WHITE,no);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(S3[1]) and PivotBubbles,S3,“S3”,Color.WHITE,no);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(S4[1]) and PivotBubbles and ShowLevel4,S4,“S4”,Color.WHITE,no);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(PP[1]) and ShowPivotPoint and PivotBubbles,PP,“PP”,Color.WHITE,no);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(R1[1]) and PivotBubbles,R1,“R1”,Color.WHITE,no);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(R2[1]) and PivotBubbles,R2,“R2”,Color.WHITE,no);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(R3[1]) and PivotBubbles,R3,“R3”,Color.WHITE,no);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(R4[1]) and PivotBubbles and ShowLevel4,R4,“R4”,Color.WHITE,no);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(V1[1]) and VpocBubbles,V1,“VPOC”,Color.MAGENTA,no);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(V2[1]) and VpocBubbles,V2,“VPOC”,Color.MAGENTA,no);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(V3[1]) and VpocBubbles,V3,“VPOC”,Color.MAGENTA,no);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(V4[1]) and VpocBubbles,V4,“VPOC”,Color.MAGENTA,no);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(V5[1]) and VpocBubbles,V5,“VPOC”,Color.MAGENTA,no);
AddChartBubble(IsNaN(V6[1]) and VpocBubbles,V6,“VPOC”,Color.MAGENTA,no);

#Opening Range Breakout Functions
def ORBopen = SecondsTillTime(945)<=0;
def IsMarketOpen = ORBopen and CloseTime2;
def FirstBar = If(GetDay()[1]!=GetDay(),GetDay()-1,0);
def OpenRange = SecondsFromTime(945);
def PastOpeningRange = OpenRange>=(OrbTime-15)*60;
def DisplayedHigh = If(high>DisplayedHigh[1] and IsMarketOpen and ShowORB,high,If(IsMarketOpen and !FirstBar,DisplayedHigh[1],high));
def DisplayedLow = If(low<DisplayedLow[1] and IsMarketOpen and ShowORB,low,If(IsMarketOpen and !FirstBar,DisplayedLow[1],low));
def ORBHi = If(PastOpeningRange,ORBHi[1],DisplayedHigh);
def ORBLo = If(PastOpeningRange,ORBLo[1],DisplayedLow);
plot ORBHigh = If(Chart and PastOpeningRange and IsMarketOpen and ShowORB,ORBHi,Na);
plot ORBLow = If(Chart and PastOpeningRange and IsMarketOpen and ShowORB,ORBLo,Na);

#Plot Criteria
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